Publications Lateral Incisional Hernia After Renal Transplantation: A Comparative Study

Background Because of the lack of published data and the relative rarity of lateral incisional hernias (LIHs), especially after renal transplantation, mesh repair of LIH remains a challenge for surgeons. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the outcomes of LIH treated by mesh repair after renal transplantation.

Methods All consecutive patients who had undergone LIH mesh repair after renal transplantation were compared with patients who had undergone LIH mesh repair without renal transplantation. Demographic data, incisional hernia characteristics, operative data, and postoperative outcomes were prospectively recorded. Early complications and recurrence rates were evaluated.

Results Altogether, 112 patients were treated for LIH with mesh repair. Among these patients, 61 (54.4 %) underwent LIH after renal transplantation. The early complications were similar for the patients with and without renal transplantation (24.5 vs. 23.5 %, respec- tively; p = 0.896). The recurrence rates also were similar for the patients with and without renal transplantation (9.8 vs. 9.8 %, respectively; p = 1).

Conclusions Mesh graft repair is feasible in patients with LIH after renal transplantation. Postoperative complica- tions and recurrences were not more frequent in renal transplantation patients than in those without renal transplantation.


European Hernia Society Guidel...

25 janv. 2015


Incisional hernias are a frequent complication of abdominal wall incisions, but


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Hernies De L’aine : L’échograp...

20 févr. 2014

De tout temps, la hernie de l’aine a fait couler beaucoup d’encre en raison de sa fréquence, de s


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